Terms and Conditions of Telemedicine and/or Telehealth

Purpose and Objectives of Telemedicine or Telehealth

Telemedicine is a digital platform of communication and  consultation using mobile devices and computers offering health services remotely and managed health care through digital technology. The use of computers, telephones, and other electronic  gadgets will enable the patient to communicate with his/her physicians for the purpose of diagnosis, mode of treatment, education and follow up care when personal encounter consultation is not possible. The use of digital platform technology involves two way process via audio and video, medical pictures for education  and others that may be helpful to the diagnosis and treatment. It utilizes network and software security protocols to protect the patient identity, privacy, and confidentiality.

The goals of telemedicine or telehealth include the following:

  • Make healthcare accessible to people living remotely
  • Make healthcare services through consultation readily available and convenient for patient who has limited mobility, time and transportation option
  • Provide access to medical specialist available online
  • Provide support for self care management with the advised and instruction given by healthcare provider

By participating in this telemedicine platform, you hereby acknowledged that a physician-patient relations is bound to form in this consent.

Nature of telemedicine or telehealth consultation

You agree with the Terms and Condition and Privacy Policy stated herewith. You are aware that using the LHN Medical Corp website, it utilizes a webinar conferencing method using the Zoom platform as the mode of communication with the attending physician.  You are aware that same with personal encounter consultation, you will be asked to provide your medical history, chief complaints, past medical history background, share you laboratory results, medical images (Chest radiograph, CAT scan, and other related diagnostic procedure images) and other medical documents pertinent to your concerns. Moreover, you may be asked to show certain body parts as this maybe important in the diagnosis. This is in view of the fact that the physician is not in the same room with you and would not be able to perform necessary physical or objective examination.

Potential Risk

You understand the potential risk using electronic technology including technological glitches, interruptions, or poor transmission of images leading to misinterpretation and consequently mistreatment, no access to medical records, delays and sometimes deficiencies due to electronic malfunction leading to breach of confidentiality and data privacy. Furthermore, all tele-consultations are considered confidential but given the nature of technology upgrades and glitches, your physician cannot guarantee the safety of my personal data from unauthorized access by others or hacking. Therefore, you cannot hold your physician liable of any sort of data lost, corrupted files, destroyed or intercepted by unauthorized personnel or the illegal use of your data as a result of breach in security.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality

You agree to share your personal data with the LHN Medical Corp website and your attending physician in order to facilitate scheduling of your appointment for consultation and billing purposes. You agree that with the use of Zoom platform that no audio and video recording or screened shots done in both parties (physician and patient) during the entire course of conversation, nor divulgence of details of consultation in compliance with the Data Privacy Act 2012

Personal Rights

As a patient, you have the right to:

  • Terminate the tele consultation process and the physician patient relationship at any time
  • Ask for assistance from family members or caregiver in setting up the tele conferencing platform at home and to answer any questions that may be pertinent in the diagnosis and treatment modalities.


There are certain limitations pertaining to the use of teleconsultation with regards to the clarity of images provided, the audibility of sound, and internet connections of both parties involve can affect the quality of conversation therein. The objective findings in physical examination done through personal encounter (face to face) consultation is not possible, hence there is a limited process in making the diagnosis. In addition, issuance of medical certificate is thereby under the judgement of the physician to provide due to absence of physical examination performed.

In case of any urgent or emergency concern, the physician has the responsibility to refer you to the nearest hospital if he/she finds it deemed necessary that would warrant an immediate medical attention in my case. The responsibility of the physician ends with the conclusion of teleconsultation.


The Doctors and the Health professionals acknowledge and accept that LHN Medical Corp. Telemedicine and or Telehealth Services acts exclusively as a technological means to which they give a mandate to collect payment for the online assistance and they also exempt LHN Medical Corp. from any liability.

The Doctors and the Health professionals shall be exclusively responsible for any and all liability arising, or presumed to be so, from the medical or from the healthcare service, including, but not limited to injuries, deaths and damage to property.

The physician agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless LHN Medical Corp. from and against any (potential) expense or (potential) damage incurred in by third parties, including Users or Doctors, for any consequences resulting from the supply of the medical healthcare services.

By supplying the Medical Services to the User, the Physician/Doctor agrees, recognizes and undersigns the conclusion of a direct and exclusive contract between the Physician/Doctor and the User. LHN Medical Corp. will not be held liable for actions, omissions and Users’ behavior in relation to the Doctors/Physician and their working tools. Doctors/Physicians are held exclusively responsible for the adoption of reasonable and adequate precautions in interactions with third parties in relation to the medical services. Should this division of the mutual responsibilities of the Parties result ineffective under the applicable law, the Doctor or Clinic shall indemnify, defend and hold LHN Medical Corp. harmless from and against any claim filed against LHN Medical Corp. in relation to the provisions concerning the Doctor regarding the Telemedicine and/or Telehealth Services under applicable law.

The Doctors through liability waiver provide their registration in the medical register and the number of their medical professional insurance.

By continuing use of this platform you hereby declare, that you have read the content of this consent form and fully understand what is stated here in the best of your knowledge. You fully understand the risk and benefits of telemedicine in the language of your full comprehension.

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